If you’ve been reading these blog posts for approximately two seconds, you’ll know I constantly talk about registering the copyrights on your content. And this seemingly-banal topic is genuinely very near and dear to my heart. Why? Because once upon a time, in the early days of the internet, I was a co-owner of one […]
How To Understand (And Benefit From) The Psychology of a Pirate
To most people, the psychology of a pirate is totally baffling and pretty impossible to understand. Why would you want to steal someone else’s content and sell it for profit? Doesn’t that feel…innately wrong? As someone who’s been in the trenches for years, I have a pretty solid concept of what, exactly, makes pirates tick. […]
The Digital Piracy Definition And How It Affects You
Digital piracy is something we’ve all heard about, but the actual digital piracy definition is something that isn’t always clear. That’s why this post is about explaining exactly what digital piracy is, and what it means for you. What is the digital piracy definition? At its core, the simplest digital piracy definition comes from this […]