
How To Copyright Your Music In 5 Simple Steps

You've practiced for hours, written incredible songs, scrounged together the money to get them professionally recorded--and now your album is…

Dressler Parsons

My Intellectual Property Was Stolen–Now What?

After months of hard work and little-to-no sleep, you debuted a gorgeous line of witty, clever illustrations. Congratulations! But now,…

Dressler Parsons

What To Expect After You File Your Trademark Registration

After you file your trademark registration, you’ll probably be tempted to dust off your hands, pour yourself a mug of…

Dressler Parsons

3 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Trademark Attorney

When you’re registering a copyright, the process is pretty straightforward--you can file it on your lunch break, stress-free. But registering…

Dressler Parsons

How (And Why!) To Build An Intellectual Property Portfolio

If you’re wondering what an intellectual property portfolio is, or why it’s important, then take a second and imagine selling…

Dressler Parsons